About us
Our Missions
The Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island is established by believers of Lord Jesus to build one another with Christ Jesus as our head, to bring people to the Lord, to bear witness for Christ Jesus, to disciple believers, to obey the Commands of Lord Jesus and to honor God.
Statement of Faith
We believe that
the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit is the one and only God.
the universe and all things are created by Him, through Him and are under His control.
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived and born of virgin Mary; He became flesh as human, to bear the sins of mankind, to shed His blood and die on the cross, buried, resurrected on the third day, raised to Heaven after 40 days; He prays for the believers on the right side of God, will return one day to judge the world. Believers shall have everlasting life; non-believers shall be condemned.
the Holy Spirit may inspire, move, comfort, give new life to and help believers to become sanctified and to live a victorious life; He also gives various spiritual gifts to build the church.
the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible are inspired by God; the Holy Scripture is the Word of God and the highest standard for faith and daily life.
human race was created in God’s image, has sinned against God, yet become reconciled with Him through accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, cleansed by the blood of Lord Jesus, and forgiven.
the church is the body of Christ, comprises of believers, with Jesus Christ as our head.
Note: This is an English translation from an original Chinese version of the Constitution and Bylaws of Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island.
03/06/1977 Chinese Christian believers in Rhode Island officially established a church in the YMCA at 160 Broadway in Providence RI.
07/01/1980 Began worship service in East Providence church building.
09/xx/1981 Chinese school was established.
10/30/1988 Adult Sunday school and youth fellowship were established.
05/07/1989 Enoch fellowship which is the first fellowship of the church, was established.
01/25/1990 Chinese young adults fellowship was formed and renamed to Joy Fellowship in 01/1992.
07/03/1992 Firs church family retreat was held at Camp Canonicus in Exeter.
05/28/1994 First church picnic was held at Colt State Park in Bristol.
09/09/1994 Kingston Chinese Christian Fellowship at URI was established.
04/14/1996 First English Sunday worship service.
01/04/1997 Caleb Fellowship was established to minister to senior citizens.
01/09/1997 Enoch Fellowship was separated into 7 cell groups and became David, Bartholomew, Noah, Peter, Timothy, Ruth, URI fellowships.
06/19/1999 Dedication and Thanksgiving Service for current church building was held at 333 Roosevelt Ave, Pawtucket, RI.
04/xx/2000Timothy cell group was renamed to Jia-Mei Fellowship.
05/xx/2000 First annual women’s retreat.
09/xx/2000 College and young adult fellowship was formed and renamed to LIFE Fellowship in 2015.
11/09/2002 First annual missions conference (2 days) – Mission, Passion & Action.
04/13/2006 Restaurant Ministry began.
09/08/2009 Tuesday evening communion service began.
02/19/2012 Canaan Fellowship, 10th Fellowship of the Church, was established.
09/12/2014 Chinese Christian Joy Fellowship (CCJF) was established at JWU.
03/10/2017 40th anniversary celebration (3 days) with revival meeting, carnival, Thanksgiving service, and ordination of Minister
Chinses Christian Church of Rhode Island (CCCRI)
A non-denominational Christian church that serves Mandarin, Cantonese, and English congregations in Rhode Island and the southeastern New England region.
It began at a fellowship of Brown University Chinese students and faculty who came from all over the world.
Located in the historic city of Pawtucket in state of Rhode Island, conveniently located nearby Interstate highway 95